She's So Unusual

"Your TRUE COLORS are beautiful like a Rainbow"



Stop. Play. Pause.

Imagine if life were written as a song. Not a musical or a theme song; rather a carefully crafted work of listenable art that mimics the tune of individual experience, knowledge and understanding. 

If life were written as a song, the variations in beats, rhythms and instruments would be the reflection of our daily actions, encounters and travels. Each song would be different of course; the lyrics of would be comprised of words and language we use to communicate and vocalize our opinions and beliefs. If the chorus signified the strength of repetition and solidifying the language in which we feel are the most important to repeat. If life was written as a song, what would yours sound like? Would it be worth listening to?

There comes a time in life where we are faced with a situation that has the power to alter our perception, preference and priority. A situation that has the power to change the song. Not as if we have asked for life changing circumstances, but perhaps was due to the string of individual choices that all seemed to point in a certain direction that lead to a climax that was never expected. 

It is times like these that we must grow stronger and better than before. To stop and consider the reality that certain components of our song have been written for us. It's time to stop, play it over and pause when necessary because life is short and the music won't last. 


[1] Finally Moving :: Pretty Lights
[2] Hometown Glory :: Adele
[3] The Beginning :: Joey Fehrenback
[4] Dream :: Priscilla Ahn 
[5] Broken :: Lauren Hoffman
[6] Down :: Jason Walker
[7] 4am :: Kaskade
[8] Never Alone :: BarlowGirl
[9] Last Night of The Dynasty :: The Shanghai Restoration Project



Thanks to artist, Peter Halley--I'm feeling brighter and bolder is better. Color blocking is a new way to approach loud pieces, by putting them together to create a contemporary look that is candy coated and perfectly sweet just in time for Fall.